If you have concerns regarding a customer, we have the answers. With only the name of your delinquent client we can provide vital behind-the-scenes information about their financial stability, which is necessary for you to make an informed and intelligent collection decision. Are your clients telling you the truth? Hard to tell, isn’t it?
Coface Canada's Business Activity Scan gives you free access to over 13,000 databases of information and the investigative answers that enable you to distinguish your clients from your debtors.
There are ONLY THREE REASONS why a customer does NOT PAY:
Financial problems
70% of all companies FAIL and end in bankruptcy.
The debt is disputed
If not valid, third party arbitration is required for the balance in full.
The customer is a career debtor
Career debtors will not pay “balance in full” until there’s third party involvement. Accepting a payment arrangement most times means giving them a 90% discount when after two payments the debtor has found another priority.
Face it: Any of these reasons are a cause to place the account. Even after only three months past due,
statistics say your best probability is collecting $.75 of each delinquent dollar. After six months it’s $.50. And these are the best case scenarios.
We don’t want you to be blindsided by a bankruptcy notice. At thirty days past due, knowing that you might be dealing with a career debtor or that your customer is going out of business is essential to the success of the recovery process. Since immediate actions are necessary to reduce your losses, the answer truly is: “Superior technology and powerful resources.”
Feel free to call with any questions or simply e-mail the name of the client or debtor in question to receive a Business Activity Scan.